Sharper iPhone Photos

July 09, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Do you ever get frustrated when you look at your iPhone/smartphone photos and your main subject is slightly blurry. Here are a few tips to help you get sharper images.

Set your focus point by tapping on the screen where your main subject is, you will see a yellow box appear to show your focus point (it may be a different color for a smartphone). You can even lock focus by tapping and holding on the screen where your subject is, AE/AF Lock will appear on your screen along with the yellow box. To see more about this and exposure see my post on Better iPhone Photos

Use a tripod or other object to stabilize your phone. There are many small tripod options available for smartphones. You can also prop it against a tree, rail, ground or anything else nearby. Sometimes I have just sat on the ground with my knees up and propped it on my knees or feet. Whatever you can find that is stable will work. 

Use adequate light when possible. The dimmer the light on your subject the slower your shutter speed will be which will result in a blurry image. 

Hope this helps and have fun shooting!


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