Help Your Child Take Better Photos

June 11, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Do you have a child who is showing an interest in photography, or maybe you yourself. Whether they are using a camera or smartphone here are a couple of simple tips to get them started in the direction of taking better photos. 

  • Remind them to hold the camera straight when it is required
  • Pay attention to backgrounds for distractions. Move around to change the background when needed.
  • Shoot from different perspectives: up high, down low, wide angle, close-up, etc.
  • The focal point should be something of interest. What was it about the scene that first caught their attention?
  • The subject does not always need to be in the center, in fact often it is more visually appealing if it is off center. For older kids consider having them look into the "rule of thirds".
  • Most cameras and also some smartphone apps have different shooting modes such as macro for closeup, sports for action shots, portrait which would blur the background, and landscape when you want everything in focus.


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