Children in nature.

May 09, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I have been thinking about how on earth to keep my kids busy during the summer and I came across this "things to do in nature" article that I had tucked away years ago. I thought some of you parents may be thinking the same as me so I am going to share this list with you. Hopefully it helps you keep the kiddos busy outside for the summer.

climb a tree

pick berries

smell flowers

catch bugs

build a fort

hide and seek outside

outdoor scavenger hunt

build a birdhouse

collect rocks (just not at a county, state or federal park as that is illegal)

roll down a hill

gaze at the clouds

find a secret hideaway

follow/look for animal tracks

balance on a log

star gaze

make a willow whistle

splash in puddles

catch tadpoles (and release unharmed of course!)

make mud pies

read books outside 

have a picnic

listen and identify frogs 


Most of us did a lot of these as a child because our generation spent every moment outside! Put a copy of this somewhere in your house or your phone to keep it handy through the summer.


There are also so many beautiful parks, nature centers, beaches, rivers and trails to explore without traveling to far. I try to post once a month a park that we have visited and enjoyed.




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